She wouldn't (or couldn't - reports are contradictory on that point) have kids, so a few years ago they decided to try and adopt. At the end of 2002, they started a 13 week trial placement of three little kids, rescued from neglectful parents - Christian, aged 3, Nathan aged 2 and Chloe, just five months old. They'd thrived in Foster Care and Social Services insisted that they be placed together as they were incredibly close - as young, traumatised children would be.
The couple took care classes from a local nursery and were shown videos on the effect of neglect on children by Social Services. She couldn't be bothered and eventually, neither could he. They knew all of this, they'd read it all in books after all. They were graduates for god's sake, what could they learn from nannies and Social Workers?
These two wanted a perfect, ready made family and the children just didn't fit the bill.
The wife couldn't cope, so went back to work. The husband claimed he couldn't bond with them, phoning their Social Worker and insisting that their three year old prospective foster son was "brainless", "a vegetable" and "a zombie".
A few days later, he was dead.
He didn't bond with his prospective father. And is it any wonder, when he's being described like that to a Social Worker? Children with problems like Christian need unconditional love, vast patience, deep understanding and care. This was obviously something beyond the university educated engineer's understanding. Not everyone can be a parent. It's a tough life when your kids are your own, and well adjusted, and taking on someone elses emotionally damaged children is a challenge I as a father of two manic powerhouses would balk at.
Ian and Angela Gay, however were sure they knew better. They were convinced that the children they adopted owuld be pleasant, well adjusted, pictures of perfection and on the off-chance that they might not fit the required profile, well they'd just have to be punished.
Punished by being force fed spoonful after spoonful of salt. Punished by being shaken and slapped around the head. Punished so severely that it produced a brain haemorrhage. In a three year old child.
Little Christian was sent to his sister's cot for misbehaving. Ian later found him comatose and the couple rushed him to hospital. He was placed on life support. Angela went back to work.
Four days later they switched off his life support.
Yesterday, Ian and Angela Gay were convicted of manslaughter and sent to prison for five years. Five years for torturing a defenceless toddler to death.
This is a picture of him:
And here's a couple of links to the story in the press:
A report on the outcome of the trial
and details of the help the couple were given
My opinion? They're selfish, evil bastards who should be banned from contact with children for life. Lock 'em up and throw away the key.
Am I being harsh? Take note of what Angela's father says after the trial:
"We're totally shocked. They know they have done nothing wrong. It's an injustice."