What Is Your Most Embarrasing Moment
Let's see, stumbling while walking off stage after recieving a merit certificate at school so everyone thought I was taking a bow, or maybe the time a kid walked past me and my mum walking the dog in the street and announced in a loud voice the rumour about what me and my girlfriend of the time used to get up to, or maybe the celebration party at Boys' Brigade when I made staff Sergeant, getting tonguetied and introduced my dad by saying "He's my son".
Or, more recently, dancing anywhere near my ex at nightclubs where her idea of headbanging would be to stick her arse WAYY up in the air and sweep the dancefloor with her hair, and her habit of wafting her arm high over her head and marking the beat with one finger. Gotta be bad when a preferable option is to dance with your mate whose favourite trick was to dance in a way that guaranteed her breasts escaped from her top. Or maybe the same ex's habit of wailing "NOOO! That's not FAIRRR" when the hero would get beaten up in a movie, then storming out the cinema in protest.
If You Could Be Any Animal, What Would You Be & Why
A cat i think.
What Band/Singer You Would Never Admit Listening to
Some of the stuff that comes on Radio 2 - especially the Hammond Organ bloke on a Wednesday night.
What is The Cheesiest Move You Could Watch Over & Over Again
Weekend at Bernies. I dunno, something just appeals to me about that film.
I know, I know.
Which Superhero would you be
or Slaine
Or Finn
Which Movie Character Do You Most Identify With
Bilbo Baggins
What Book Would You Would Recommend
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant by Steven Donaldson
The Seafort Saga by David Feintuch (Who just started writing again. Hallelujah!)
What is the Last Dream you remember
I tend not to remember my dreams. They tend to be quite mundane, like I'll dream about a perfectly normal trip to the shops, or the school run or something. Talk about a wasted opportunity.
What is Your Favourite Board Game
It's a game that comes from africa where two players have seven pots each. Six of them have four stones each and the aim is to get all the stones into your empty seventh pot by taking all the stones from one pot and moving them one-by-one into the other pots.
You get a version of it on Nokia phones. I kick ass at it.
I'd love to play the ancient egyptian game of Senet, but no-one knows the rules.
What is Your Unusual Talent
I can make daffodils out of card