This is part one of my masterplan.
Part two involves getting people to pay me to teach them stuff they want to know about their computers - from how to use MS Office, to how to administer a small network, to how to strip down and rebuild their PC.
After that comes the easy bit - sourcing and providing the I.T. Hardware to complete sales or projects people pay me to do.
And it's all under the auspices of my very own company:

I even bought an address to go with it. There's not much there right now, but is all mine.
The downside is that these high value items tend to attract scammers, and sure to form, I've had to spend the whole night awake communicating with someone who says they live in Holland, but registered with Ebay US and wants me to urgently post the Laptop to Lagos, Nigeria.
As If.
So I've spent some time trying to trip this buyer up, or have them removed from Ebay. Ebay doesn't look too kindly on you if you leave some important contact information out when you sign up and it just so happens that this buyer hasn't registered a phone number - so I reported them.
I've also banned them from bidding on any of my other items.
I can't afford to get defrauded or scammed straight out of the starting gate, so right from day one, it's time to play hardball.
I'll let you know how things go.
Now, the next thing on the list is to sign off the dole. I might put that off until I actually sell a couple of Laptops to genuine people though - just in case.