Long-time readers (of which there are certainly three) will recall my shortlived attempts to review a number of chart-topping albums some time back. Well, it just so happens that I've been frittering some of my extra cash on a few more, so here goes again:

First up is the record breaker. Was I one of those 363,735 people who got this album in it's first week of release? God knows. I just popped in and picked it up as I'd heard the buzz. So far it's come round twice on my player and it's kinda growing on me. Can't for the life of me work out why it's gone ballistic like it has, but there's some good, funny, catchy tunes on the album: "Mardy Bum" has to be my favourite. And you have to give some kudos to someone who rhymes "ford Mondeo" and "Say Owt'".

The Editors.
I thought I'd heard this before, but I couldn't find my Menswear album, so I can't say for sure. The first time this came round on the player,I managed three tracks before skipping to the next album. Samey, miserable old hat. I want my fiver back.

Ordinary Boys are seeing the fruits of their lead singers' efforts to pull Paris Travelodge in the Big Brother house.
Fair play to them, but you can read what you like into the fact that I couldn't tell when the Hard-fi album finished and this one started. Guitary, poppy, nothing special. It's the kind of thing I like, but it's not gonna shake the world really, is it?

Usually, I'm not drawn to this kind of thing, but to be honest the singer intrigues me. I like the breathy style she uses, and her elegant look is a refreshing change. Of course I like "Ooh la la", and there's maybe another couple of decent tracks on the album, but I don't think it'll last too long before going into storage, really.

See Ordinary Boys. Much the same fare, really. Inoffensive jangly stuff.