Apparently we live in the best country in the world. Even more apparently, we're the most boring people in the world. Anyone get the feeling we're wasting this wonderful country? Johnny Foreigner thinks so. They also think that the French are the rudest and the Americans are the most ignorant. Sounds about right to me.
Wembley won't be ready for the FA Cup. I couldn't be happier. Birmingham was robbed of its chance to host the new national stadium and since then the construction of Wembley has been a long tale of excess, corruption and incompetence. Here's a question - will it ever be ready?
And on a lighter note...
I've read what others have posted about this, I've read a couple of articles. The reactions I've seen have ranged from plain loopy to scarily idiotic to reasoned and logical.
The only thing I can give you is my honest reaction.
People like David Irving are the most dangerous people on the planet. We owe it to the people that died to remember why the Holocaust happened. Only by accepting and remembering what happened and why can we ever hope to stop it happening again, and it must never be allowed to happen again. The Holocaust must never be denied.
** Update **