Saturday, August 23, 2003

Cooking Disaster!

I cooked a Jambalaya today...

Usually I'm really good but I guess the heat's got to me because it burned
to a cinder! It's probably trashed my favourite Stock Pot too. Ah well.

At least the Wok's still intact. My Pork & Mushroom fried rice is gorgeous!

Yahoo Group!

Just opened a Yahoo! Group...

The plan is to send regular updates to the Group, maybe once a day or so for

This is really me just messing about to see what happens. If you like what
you see, or if you hate it or if you think I'm a complete tosser, subscribe
and let me know.

"Enterprise" Season 3 On The Way

Paramount has released a cast photo to publicise the new season of
"Enterprise" which starts on 10th September.

My Network

There are two computers in my house, an athlon 1700+ in the living room,
right next to the sofa which is our main entertainment unit, acting as it
does as:

DVD player
Games Machine
Phone Charger
Children's Entertainment
Home Office
Cheap Communication Device
Broadband Internet Portal

and much more...

It is also connected to the second puter, located for now in my bedroom - a
K6-2 350Mhz dinosaur that runs startlingly fast as I've tweaked it to heck.
That puter did perform all of the above functions until it was retired after
the Athlon arrived. Now it's a testbed for my adventures in networking.

Now networking to me is a very very new area and I admit I went into the
task completely blind. After much huffing and puffing up and down stairs, a
row with my better half and much sweating and swearing I managed to set up
file AND internet sharing over the network.

This was such an achievement for me that even two weeks later, I'm still
chuffed to bits!

Hutton Inquiry

On 18th July, one of the UK's top Weapons experts was found dead in a field
some miles from his home.

Dr David Kelly, advisor to the MOD on the status of Iraq's fabled Weapons of
Mass Destruction had apparently committed suicide as a result of the
pressure laid upon him by the House of Commons investigation into the
content of a Dossier which stated that Iraq could launch their Mass
Destruction Weapons within 45 minutes. Dr Kelly allegedly suggested to
journalists that this timeframe was inaccurate, but was included in the
Dossier at the express insistence of top ranking Government officials in
order to further the arguments in favour of an invasion of Iraq.

The implications of this are manifold and reach to the very highest echelons
of the British Government.

As a result of the shattering death of Dr Kelly, the Rt Hon Lord Brian
Hutton convened a wide ranging inquiriy into the circumstances surrounding
his death. The inquiry is well underway and witnesses called or to be called
include Secretary of State for Defence Geoff Hoon, Prime Minister's Director
of Communications Alastair Campbell and Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Geoff Hoon will be giving evidence this Wednesday, Tony Blair will give
evidence the following day.

Although it is widely assumed that Geoff Hoon will be made scapegoat as a
result of the inquiry, it would do the government untold good if Campbell
were found to be the master manipulator in the affair.

Watch the inquiry unfold on the Hutton Inquiry Web Site


According to some, a Hedgewitch is a follower of the Wicca faith who
specialises or has an affinity for herbal or traditional folk medicine and

Primary to the Wiccan religion is the idea that you are responsible for your
own actions and ideas, so although I'm not a fulltime practitioner, I choose
to identify with the title Hedgewitch as a statement of my own personal

I chose to follow a pagan way of life a long time before I realised that was
what I was doing. A long time ago, I decided my personal motto would be
"Have Fun, Hurt No-one", not a million miles from the Wiccan Rede: "An you
harm none, do as you will"

Previously I was part of a Baptist church for 14 years as a part of the
Boys' Brigade. I also studied Philosophy at 'A' Level. This background in
theology gives me plenty of ammunition to send Evangelists and dogmatic
pseudo-philosophers running screaming for the hills, which is one of my
favourite hobbies.

I've done my best to stick to my motto over the years. As a result of this
(and other events I'll go into later) I'm the most relaxed, comfortable and
confident person I know.

So in the words of Harry Hill:

Welcome to my World

Campbell was beggining to regret letting Tony pick his own image

Friday, August 22, 2003

First Post

Well right now I'm sitting, half way through watching the new LOTR Two
Towers DVD and waiting for the missis to get off the phone to her mum.
Rivetting stuff.

Lord of the Rings is ace however.