Saturday, August 23, 2003


According to some, a Hedgewitch is a follower of the Wicca faith who
specialises or has an affinity for herbal or traditional folk medicine and

Primary to the Wiccan religion is the idea that you are responsible for your
own actions and ideas, so although I'm not a fulltime practitioner, I choose
to identify with the title Hedgewitch as a statement of my own personal

I chose to follow a pagan way of life a long time before I realised that was
what I was doing. A long time ago, I decided my personal motto would be
"Have Fun, Hurt No-one", not a million miles from the Wiccan Rede: "An you
harm none, do as you will"

Previously I was part of a Baptist church for 14 years as a part of the
Boys' Brigade. I also studied Philosophy at 'A' Level. This background in
theology gives me plenty of ammunition to send Evangelists and dogmatic
pseudo-philosophers running screaming for the hills, which is one of my
favourite hobbies.

I've done my best to stick to my motto over the years. As a result of this
(and other events I'll go into later) I'm the most relaxed, comfortable and
confident person I know.

So in the words of Harry Hill:

Welcome to my World