The sheer depth of the spectacle is breathtaking.
The thought that this man is taken seriously by anyone in his country is laughable.
How this can't be seen as the last slide into deep insanity is unfathomable.
Bush's address to his people yesterday is one of the most blatant propagandist confidence tricks I've eevr witnessed.
So it's within the remit of the constitution to spy on your own people? OK, so we're to return to the grand inquisition days of McCarthyism are we? And do you think if enough people say the word "legally" that people will believe you? Unfortunately, it's pretty obvious they will believe him, but JEEZ!
"You should all just shut up about it because it's very embarrassing *ahem* I mean it's helping our enemies."
Yeah, so is keeping your troops there because if you brought them home the Iraqis would have nothing to shoot at, right?
Oh, and there'd be less chance of them electing a fundamentalist government that cuts off your oil supply. What? Sorry? Nothing to do with oil you say? Must have missed that, I was too busy laughing my head off.
And what about Condy Rice saying there's no evidence the FBI flies suspects around the world and tortures them. Fuck me, you don't say! Of COURSE there's no evidence, you idiot! You expect them to leave traces?
There's so much more to say about this last week in the White House but I've got more biscuits to bake and I'm a little distracted.