Saturday, August 13, 2005

Tonight has been "blast from the past" night.

I've just finished connecting our new PC to our LAN - It's an old Pentium 3 800Mhz I acquired when my Dad's work upgraded their systems. It's running windows 95!

I can only just remember where everything is, it's so basic! But after a bit of fiddling, digging out my old system CD and installing loads of things that were missing, I finally got it connected. Very chuffed.

Right now I'm trying to get tired ad failing miserably because I'm strung out on Whittards "Eat the bean" chocolate covered espresso coffee beans, which is why this post might seem a little bit...unfocussed.

Right now it's a tough call whether I'll still be awake next wednesday, or whether I'm about to collapse in a comatose heap.

I think maybe I'll stick to eating the rest - one at a time - for breakfast.

In other news, I still don't have a clue how to write my Business Plan down, but I'm kinda getting the information compiled slowly. I know what I want to say, it's just this damned mental blank every time I try and put it all on the screen. Oh well, onward and upward.

Now I have to press the "Publish" button to stop myself rambling on in caffeine fuelled delerium.