Monday, October 03, 2005

Yeah, I've gone a bit quiet. That's because I've got genuinely nothing to talk about, apart from Lordy B requesting a fillum review, which fills me with trepidation as a) I can never settle on a favourite and b) the other reviewers are scarily loquacious.

Not to let the side down, I'm trying to narrow it down. Here's the shortlist:

Lord of the Rings (too obvious)
Weekend at Bernies (Waddya mean worst film ever?)
Serenity (Haven't seen it yet, but I bet I'm gonna have something to say about it)
Judge Dredd
The Breakfast Club
Monty Python's "Life of Brian" ("'E's not the Messiah, 'E's a very naughty boy!")
Galaxy Quest ("I see you managed to get your shirt off")
The Last Starfighter
Logan's Run

Sorry, did I say shortlist?

I may have to watch them all over again to decide between them. I'd be open to taking votes from you lot, too.