Um, yeah, things have changed a little bit, haven't they?
If you're here, then you've made the change from the old hedgewitch blog to
What do you think? Bit of a shock? Good? Bad? What the fuck have you done you idiot?
Thing is, I bought the URL ages ago and just had it sitting around doing nothing.
And then I realised how many different blogs I was actually signed up for, so I just decided this morning to consolidate everything under one banner. So, much like the local council who, upon realising they had far too many sub-committees, decided to convene yet another sub-committee to investigate why they had so many sub-committees, I made another blog.
That blog, Lithaborn Central, will simply be a notification site so you can see at a glance what's going on in my online world.
Maybe it'll take a bit of getting used to, maybe it's a wonderful idea. Time will tell.