Sir John Stevens, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, has said he supports householders rights to defend their own home. And it's about time.
OK, I'm biased. Jordan, the cunt that burgled us, was in our living room no more than ten seconds before I got in there. It makes me sick to the stomach to think that, if he'd had a knife and attacked me, that he could prosecute ME if I defended myself, my family, my belongings.
We have a walking stick in the hall and I'd picked that up just in case. If he'd not managed to get out the window and I'd come face to face with him, what would I have done? What would he have done? The police told me he was a placid type who avoids confrontation, but at 1:30am, hearing crashing and banging downstairs when we'd JUST walked up the stairs, how were we to know that?
All this shouldn't even be a consideration. When I'm rushing to defend my family from a breakin, I don't want to be considering what would constitute "reasonable force". As far as I'm concerned, I'd be well within my rights to hammer the cunt into unconsciousness. I don't want to try and guess whether or not the guy's tooled up. I want to stop him stealing our stuff and keep him around until the police can shove him in a cell.
My point is, if the guy's broken into someone else's house with the intention of relieving them of a portion of their worldly possessions, or even worse, then right now they know that the law protects them from harm. As vile as it sounds, someone can break in to wherever you are right now, hammer crap out of you, leave you disabled and dying but if you raise one finger to defend yourself, then you WILL be prosecuted.
It goes beyond sickening. The wrong people have too many rights. If you're on my property, if you're going to take my stuff or harm my family then you waive your rights. If you don't want to get hurt, you shouldn't have been in my house.
Anthony Jordan, I don't know if you'll ever read this, but if I'd been quicker down those stairs, if I'd caught you in my house, you would have had the fucking shit beaten out of you. You chose to jump in though my living room window. You chose to take that risk. Well that risk includes the chance of being caught by someone who doesn't want you to be there and who is ready to lay some heavy shit on you. I am one of those people. I wish I'd been quicker. I would have enjoyed fucking you up.