Friday, June 17, 2005

I've had an idea for the start of a story!

Actually, that's quite a coup, because for ages I haven't had any inspiration to write anything apart from pithy letters to people in charge and blog posts.

It's like my creative gene went into recession for ten years, but now it's back. Now, I don't promise any groundbreaking revelatory Booker Prize winning novel, but maybe I'll churn out a nice little beginning, or maybe a synopsis for a decent short story - well, I'll think it's decent, anyway.

I've got a folder somewhere chock full of stuff I wrote when I was at school. I was prolific, banging out page after page of my oh-so ambitious novel. It stalled at around page 30 unfortunately, and the beginning and synopsis is now entombed in a plastic pocket.

I wrote a great short story once, well two, but this one was supposed to be a ghost story. It transmuted itself while I was writing it into a sweet little love story. Don't know how. There was another one, based on a Hemmingway short story of a nurse who fell in love with someone during the Spanish Civil War. It took up just one side of A4 and I was inspired to do something similar, so I set mine in a Jazz bar. I liked it, I think I caught something of Hemmingway in it, but then that's probably incredibly conceited.

So I'm off now to slowly cook - it's far too hot in here - and to scribble down my idea before it flitters away again.