Sunday, March 19, 2006

In the air...

Following Stef's suggestion, I'm now taking a slight diversion on my journey through Pink Floyd's back catalogue, with a live show from Sapporo, Japan 1972 and a show from Paris, 1989. I reckon I know what they're going to sound like, but I'm open to be pleasantly surprised.

I might even line up the DVD on my Blockbuster list.

In the meantime, I've decided on a new music marathon to embark on: a group whose lineup and style have changed over the last thirty years, but who have been persistently in the top echelon. A group whose music forms the backdrop to many lives, but which inspires more indifference and derision than love.

Peter Gabriel, Mike Rutherford, Tony Banks, Phil Collins. The Genesisathon will begin shortly...