Sunday, March 12, 2006

Tweet...tweet...tweettweet..fucking shut up already...!

Is my lasting impression of listening to Ummagumma.

If I'm being generous, I can see what they were trying to do here. It's not the first "experimental" music I've listened to and it's far from the worst, but there's experimental and experimental - there's people like Jean Michel Jarre who compose music in a classical mode using electronic instruments, there's Philip Glass and his sound sculptures, and then there's people who just fuck about with their instruments to se what cool noises they can make.

Ummagumma is not composed in a classical mode. Neither is it sculpture. Indeed, I've heard more harmonious noises coming from a room full of toddlers.

I se what they're trying to, really I do. Recreating nature with electronic instruments, delivering shocks and all that. It's very much a product of its age and hasn't aged well. There are redeeming moments: "Set the controls for the heart of the sun" isn't too bad, and there are moments of interest in "Grantchester meadows", but these are very much in the minority, a bit like listening to Holszt's "Planets Suite" and liking "Jupiter" because it's got that Rugby song in it.

In fact, it's a LOT like that. Only the Planets Suite is good. In fact, I fancy listening to it now...

I should say at this point that I didn't listen to the live part of the album, and I only managed 40 minutes of the other part.

Previously, I have tried to listen to "The Wall" and "Dark side of the moon" and also found them very hard to connect with. I don't particularly want to limit myself to just the "greatest hits", Floyd is on my "should" list, so I'm going to keep trying other albums to see if there's one or two I can connect with.

So anyway, Ummagumma is a Thumbs Down, The Wall is a Neutral and Dark Side of the Moon - Don't shoot me - is another Thumbs Down. Don't know what's next, the Ummagumma download was included in a set of 19 albums, so I'm spoilt for choice.

Still not liking Prog Rock, still got those tweeting birds ringing in my ears. But I will update my opinion of the genre. Strike "pretentious" and replace with "Portentious".