Saturday, May 14, 2005

Continuing adventures in Linuxland:

I have a USB ADSL modem which needs a special code sent to it before you can log onto the internet. This meant that every time I reboot, I have to log on as the system administrator and type in a couple of commands.

They're annoyingly difficult to remember, and much gnasing of teeth has been had when I've been out & about and Charlie's had to reboot for one reason or another because I have to relay the process to her blind.

Luckily that special code is automatically installed in the new copy of Linux I just spent three days downloading and an hour reinstalling, so now no-one has to do a damn thing, the internet is just there when you start the computer.


Now I just have to work out why it keeps crashing every time I use the file manager.

And I still haven't sorted out the TV-out on my graphics card.

And I still haven't put all my items on Ebay, which means the Holiday deposit isn't getting paid and the Phone bill is wayyyy overdue.

Ah life, why does it have to be such a rush?

Oh well, at least my foot isn't constant agony anymore...