Sometimes it's a drag being right. Luckily no-one was hurt. Odd that it happened in Manhattan though. You'd think that security would be a little bit stronger outside a foreign consulate. You'd think that security would be stronger mere yards from Ground Zero.
So why not blow something up over here? Oh, I know why. It's because our fascist pig police nutters are stopping everyone they can grab hold of and searching their bags in a blatant and illegal breach of our liberty and privacy.
Shame, ain't it? I wish to exercise my democratic right to get the shit blown out of me. I want to walk past bombsites on my way to the shops.
How inconsiderate and fascist can this government get? Blatantly refusing to allow its citizens to go about their daily business free from intervention or interruption. If I want to take a couple of pounds of semtex into my city centre and blow a building up, I think it's my democratic right to be allowed to do just that. And I don't think the Police should have all these stop and search powers, or the power to arrest me, or covertly follow me until I led them to the guy I bought it off.
In America, people would take what I've just written seriously.
In America, I could probably find a lawyer or support group that would help me stand up for the right to blow things up.
That is why the British Consulate in New York just got its front blown off.